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Caleb grew up on the south side of Atlanta Ga. As a 23 year old who attended Liberty University, Caleb now leads The Alternative. With all the pain in the world today, Caleb and Austin Dennis started The Alternative with a simple message - what if there was an alternative, an alternative to the pain and brokenness in this world? The Alternative is not a new idea for those of us who have found hope in Jesus, but for many who have been hurt by the church and are lost, The Alternative is a new approach to a timeless message. What started in a living room just a couple years ago has now turned into over 1500 young adults gathering every month, 24 different states represented so far, local churches coming together, a soon to be published book by Zondervan, and a movement that is empowering young and old alike all over the nation to set aside the temporary things and chase after what really matters in this life. Jesus. 


Caleb loves to travel, drink coffee, enjoys camping, soccer, cycling and exploring new cities. Caleb currently lives in Atlanta Georgia."