
You have heard it said that "God doesn't have grandchildren." I know this firsthand as, even though I was raised in a Christian family, I did not surrender my life to Jesus Christ until I was 19 years old.

I was invited to come to Harvest Christian Fellowship by a friend of mine who saw me working out in the gym. It was a Wednesday night when I first attended and Pastor Steve Wilburn was teaching. That night, he gave a message on Jesus being the fountain of living water, the only One who could satisfy my thirst. That night I gave my life 100% over to the Lord and I have never regretted that decision.

Immediately following my conversion, I had an instant attraction for studying apologetics and for street witnessing. I wanted everyone to know and understand just what Jesus had done for us on the cross. I started attending our weekly street witnessing ministry called SWAT (Students with a Testimony) and before I knew it, a few years later I was leading the ministry. Looking back on that initial hunger in wanting to communicate the gospel to the lost, I now realize that my life has been consumed with it ever since.

Who would have ever imagined what God was going to do next? A couple years after my conversion, the Lord opened the door for me to serve at Harvest full-time as an assistant to Pastor Steve Wilburn. It wasn't much longer before I was wed to Mary, who just happens to be Pastor Steve's daughter.

I have been happily married to my wonderful wife for over four years now and God has blessed us with a son named Zechariah.

After serving as an assistant at the church for almost six years, God opened a door for me to join the pastoral staff. It is my joy to serve here at Harvest as a pastor and to lead and train our church body in how to effectively communicate the gospel to those around us.

Ever since I was young, I had always dreamed of working in the medical field as a cardiologist. Now, in becoming a pastor, I recognize that the Lord still has me working on people's hearts—just in a different way.