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Mike Satterfield, the founder of Field of Grace Ministries, has a tremendous passion for God’s word coupled with a love for God’s people. He has a contagious spirit of generosity that flows through every facet of his ministry. Having received his mandate from God, Mike, obediently fulfills his calling communicating spiritual truths to all audiences, both students and adults.  He is an effective communicator with fresh and original illustrations.  God has given him the ability to engage the audience with his skilled use of words and his warm personality.  He combines both to reflect the vitalizing truths laid out in God’s Word in a relevant message to the world.

His vision is uncompromisingly clear, with one central principle; to build and develop a kingdom of empowered people for God. Holding firmly to the commissioned mandate in Matthew 28:18-20, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations”, Mike has taken the gospel into national and international communities of the world.

Mike is the Teaching Pastor at Fielder Church in Arlington, Texas.

Mike and his wife, Rhonda, live in Arlington, Texas with their two children.