The Lord has constituted Dr. Lopez to be an evangelist. The Lord has given him the opportunity to pastor churches in Texas and Arizona that have grown because of his evangelistic preaching and training. He is truly a pastor evangelist, having ministered for over 45 years and preached over 1,000 revival meetings throughout the nation and over seas. Dr. Lopez has also been a platform speaker at many conferences, state conventions, camps and church revivals.
Dr. Lopez is a teaching pastor at Mighty Fortress Christian Fellowship in San Antonio TX, and the director of church planting at the San Antonio Baptist Association.
Dr. Lopez holds degrees from the following institutions: Mexican Baptist Bible Institute (1973), The Criswell College (B.A., 1976), Luther Rice Seminary (M. Div., 1977 & D.Min., 1999), California School of Theology (Ph.D., 1985), Southwestern Theological Seminary (M.A., 2004).
Currently, Roland is the Church Planting Specialist for the San Antonio Baptist Association.
On October 1, 2016 He was appointed Hispanic Evangelism Specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Texas